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Dhaka Tribune

Got your back

5 poses to help you beat your back pain

Update : 21 Jun 2018, 05:56 PM

Nearly everyone will experience some form of back pain in his or her lifetime. The low back is the area behind the belly from the rib cage to the pelvis and is also called the lumbar region. You can easily remove your back pain by yourself by following a few simple steps.  

The culprit

Back pain is a major cause of missed work and poor physical movement. Mechanical issues and soft-tissue injuries are the most common causes of low back pain. These injuries can include damage to the intervertebral discs, compression of nerve roots and improper movement to the spiral joints. Some lower back pain can also be the result of certain disease, such as cancer of spiral cord, sciatica, arthritis, kidney- infections, infections of the spine and stressful life. 

The remedy

While it is recommended to get your back checked if you have persistent pain,  to rule out the possibility of diseases, yoga is “naturopathy” – a natural remedy for the pain in general, and may even prevent further pain in the future if done right and practiced regularly.

Knee twistKnee twist -

Cobra pose - This gentle backbend stretches your abdomen, chest and shoulders and strengthens your spine. It also helps to relieve stress and fatigue that can accompany back pain. nnLie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders and fingers facing forward and draw your arms in tightly to your chest, donu2019t allow your elbows to go out to the side. Now inhale and press into your hands to slowly lift your head, shoulder, and chest. You can lift partway, halfway or all the way up, depending on your flexibility. Hold for 1-2 minutes and breathe normally. Now exhale and release your chest, shoulders and head. Bring your arms by your side and rest for 30 seconds.

Half locust - This pose strengthens the muscles of the spine and the buttocks, improves blood circulation in the back area to remove the back pain. nnLie on your stomach with chin on the floor, legs together and arms to your sides, palms on the. Now inhale, and, using the back and leg muscles lift the right leg as high as possible keeping the toes pointing back. Make sure that your hip stays on the ground and the pelvis remains in a neutral position. Stay in the posture for 30 second to 1 minute breathing normally. Try to keep the shoulders broad. Exhale, lower your right leg down and inhale, repeat on the other side. Take a rest for 30 seconds.

Locust - This pose improves strength and flexibility in the back muscles, stretches the front of the body, improves stamina and makes a strong core to remove the back pain. nnLie on your stomach, arms under your hips and chin on the floor. Lengthen your lower back by gently pressing your pubic bone into the floor. Inhale, lift your head, chest and legs off the floor, firming your shoulders blades onto your back and so opening your heart, to come up higher as possible, only abdominal area touch on the floor. Inhale normally and hold for 1-2 minutes. Exhale, drop your chest, head and legs and rest 30 seconds.

Childs pose - This pose helps to stretch the hips, thighs and lower back while reducing stress and fatigue. nnBegin by sitting on your heels and then slowly fold forward, bringing your chest to your thighs and your forehead to the earth, stay in here for 1-2 minutes, breathing normally.

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